There are people, just like you, earning thousands of dollars a week from selling their feet pics. All they had to do was sign up for Feetify, upload a couple of photos and the cash started to flow in. The biggest challenge is working out how much to charge for feet pics.
The reason why it is a challenge is that there isn’t a ‘one size fits all’ approach to charging for feet pics. One person may get $5-$10 for their feet pics, and another may be able to grab $100+, although that is much rarer.
Our job is to help you work out how much you should be charging for your feet pics on Feetify. Follow our advice, and we assure you that you will make money.
Why Sell Feet Pics on Feetify?
In a sec, we will take a deep dive into what to think about when determining the cost of feet pics. One of these ‘tips’ is to think about where you are selling your pictures. After all, you can probably charge higher prices where quite a few foot fetishists are kicking about. No site is better for that than Feetify.
Feetify is One of the Best Feet Pics Platforms
Seriously. Whether you are a foot lover or somebody looking to make a quick buck from those wanting to buy feet pics or some high-quality content featuring your feet, then Feetify is the best site that you can use.
Feetify has managed to attract tens of thousands of people, all clambering to spend money on awesome pics. They are even willing to spend some cash on the newbies with good-looking feet, which makes Feetify a great place to start to get the ball rolling on your foot modeling career.
Feetify is one of the only sites that let you post more than just your feet. As you will see shortly, if you want to make some serious cash from your feet, then mixing up those photos with a dash of nudity or your legs/ass can help.
If you want to sell quality feet pics, then check out Feetify today.
How Much To Charge For Feet Pics
Pricing feet pics is quite challenging because there are a few things that you need to think about.
We are going to assume that you are using Feetify to sell your pics. If so, fantastic! If you want to start selling feet pics, then it should always be on a website that specializes in foot fetish photos. People who have already shown they have a love for feet are a whole lot easier to sell to. This means that you will have far more sales roll in. More on that soon, though.
Give Some Away For Free
Yep. You read that right. Give away some of your pics for free. Give people a good hit, and they will come back for more and more.
So, giving away a pic or two (and making them great pics) can probably nab you quite a few sales. Don’t give everything away for free. Never give nudes away for free. You just want there to be enough to make people crave your feet.
Experiment With Feet Pics Pricing
We are about to share a ton of information with you. As we said a bit earlier on, there is no ‘one size fits all’ price structure here.
If you are serious about learning how much to charge for feet pictures, then you need to know that this is a game where experimentation is vital. See which feet pics generate the most sales. See if you can bump up the price a little bit. If sales don’t fall off, then you know you are undercharging. If a pic isn’t getting a sale, then bump the price down to a point where the money flows in.
Remember, this is a business. Your feet pics are your product. Always make sure that you are selling the product.
Look At The Average Cost of Feet Pics
The demand for feet pics is sky-high right now. Turns out that more people than ever are into the foot fetish, especially if they start feasting their eyes on some seriously sexy feet. So, the customer base is certainly there, but there is a lot of competition too.
Earlier, we said that you can sell feet pics from $5 to $100+ but, in reality, you are probably going to be selling your feet pics at the lower end of the price spectrum. If you do end up getting more than $100 on a pic, then it will probably be from tips, or because you are a celeb. The average woman isn’t getting that amount.
If you are selling feet pics, then the average price is about $5 per foot pic. We wouldn’t go much higher than that unless you have a special talent for showing off your feet. Some people may want to price their feet far lower than this.
As we go through the next few sections on how much to charge for feet pics, you will discover whether you can go above or below that average price. Think of that $5 as a starting point.
How Sexy Are Your Feet?
This is a question that you are going to have to ask yourself. Just how good-looking are your feet? When you price feet pics, this is a major factor that can influence the price you start selling at.
If your feet are well-manicured, and you spend a lot of time making sure they look fantastic, then the average cost of feet pics will probably be a bit higher for you. Most people into their foot fetish love sexy feet. Now, don’t get us wrong. Everybody has their kinks. Some may not want your feet to be in pristine condition, but we find that those with the best-looking feet tend to get the most cash.
If your feet are not well-maintained i.e. you don’t paint your nails, etc. or your feet are a little bit ‘stubby’ then you may not get as much cash for your feet pics. If you can spruce your feet up, then fantastic.
We recommend that you browse Feetify and compare your feet to the others being sold there. Be honest about whether your feet can ‘compete’ with them.
If you have been dabbling about in the adult entertainment industry for a while, then you can probably charge more for your feet pics. We have seen major porn stars sell their pics for $30+ because of the following they have gained.
As you get more experienced with selling feet pics, you can probably bump the price up a bit too. You know that you can make more money if you have dozens of regular customers.
If you are up for it, we recommend that you supplement your feet pic selling business with cam performances on sites like Cam4. Getting a following in the adult business outside the feet world is a great way to make money in the feet kink. Although, of course, some people don’t want to get involved in adult entertainment, and that’s completely fine. You can just rely on selling more pics through Feetify instead.
How Good Are Your Photos?
Again, honesty is going to go a long way here. You need to think about how good your pictures are.
Well-lit images taken on high-quality cameras are much more likely to demand the big bucks when you are selling your feet pics online. You can add a couple of dollars onto the feet pics’ average price when you have a decent set-up.
That being said, some people do love a more amateur feel to the pics. You know, the sort of ‘forbidden’ pic. We have seen hastily taken photos on a smartphone command huge sums of cash (we are talking $10+) just because the photo was snapped in public.
Again, it’s all about experimentation here. The more you experiment with pricing, the more money you will be able to claw from them. However, use the quality level as a baseline ($7 for pics taken on a good set-up). Delivering high-quality photos will always give you more money.
Video Content
We are (mostly) talking about feet pics here, but you can also charge for feet videos. Probably earn more than a single pic too, although you may only want to release a video every week or so, just so you don’t oversaturate your fans with content.
A good minute-long clip can easily net you $20 to $40. So, supplement your feet pics with some great video content and you will seriously make bank.
The same factors that determine charges for feet pics will also influence video content i.e. the better the video, the more you can charge for it.
Custom Content
This is where you will make the most money if you charge for feet pics. Custom content. The basic paid content (i.e. the stuff you are selling for $5 to $7 a pop) is the intro content. The real cash comes when you do something custom for your fans.
The problem is that there is no pics average cost for custom content. You are free to charge whatever you want to charge, and we suggest that you charge based on the amount of effort put into setting up the shot. The baseline pic price should be $20, but you could easily charge $ 100 if somebody is asking you to do something slightly odd.
Most people who want custom content are probably going to ask you to snap pics of your feet in unique poses or with a sign. Nothing too strenuous and something that you can easily charge $20 for, and people will pay for it.
The feet pics charge can be a little bit more if you have to get creative with what you do. For example, if the person wants you in a specific location e.g. in the shower, then you can bump the price up to $30. If they want you nude, then that is easily a $50+ pic right there.
Remember, always give your custom content orders a quality pics experience. Your custom content requesters are going to be the bread and butter of your income, and you need to keep them satisfied. Don’t overcharge (in the early days, you may want to ask somebody how much they are willing to pay), and always deliver e.g. if somebody asks for one pic, deliver a few different pics.
Once you have a few custom requesters lined up, the amount that you can make on Feetify is virtually limitless.
Are You Nude In The Photo?
If you want to charge for feet pics and make the most money (and you feel comfortable doing so), then you need to show a bit more than your feet in the pics. Adding your boobs, legs, or ass can bump the average cost of feet pics.
This is the reason why we recommend Feetify as the main website for your feet pic selling. They allow you to sell nudes on there. All the other platforms don’t, so you can instantly make more cash using Feetify.
We recommend that nude photos (non-custom stuff) start at $10 and go up from there. The more nudity on the show, the more you can charge for the pics. For example, a fully nude pic can probably net you $20 to $30 once you have a bit of popularity online.
So, why such a low price for full nude stuff? Well, for starters, it isn’t a low price. $10-$30 in repeat sales can start to add up. The whole reason why there is a low charge for feet pics with nudity is that it is a great way to pull in those people looking to pull in custom content customers. Most custom content customers will only order from those who have already shown they are willing to be nude.
Do You Play Into Other Kinks?
This is where you can make even more cash. If you play into a certain kink, then you may make more money.
Remember what we said earlier about beautiful feet? Yeah, people are willing to pay more for beautiful feet, but not every foot fetish fan loves raw beauty. They want something different.
So, if you can play into a specific fetish e.g. chubby feet, missing toes (yes, seriously!), etc. then you may be able to command more cash.
You may even be able to get more cash by changing up the types of photos that you take. For example, if you have your feet covered in mud or soap, then this may attract a higher price because a lot of people favor ‘clean’ photo shots. We have seen some photos on Feetify sell for an incredibly high price when they are dripping with cum.
How To Experiment With The Cost of Feet Pics
A common theme in this guide on how much to charge for feet pics is that it is all about experimenting. $5 is a good starting point but, ideally, you will want to be earning more than this. This is where you need to experiment.
Remember, you will be constantly experimenting with your pics. If you are new, you may find that the average cost of feet pics will be much lower, but as the sales come in, you can always push the price of your older pics up.
Start Cost of Feet Pics at $5
This is your baseline price (unless you have nudes, then start at $10 for boobs, $20 for full nudes). Because this is the average cost of feet pics, it means that your pics are going to be fairly well-priced and in line with your competitors.
Remember, feet videos can be a little bit higher. However, these are not the focus of this page. Good quality feet photos will help to sell the videos anyway.
Don’t worry. You won’t be keeping your feet pics at this price for too long. It is just how you are getting started at places that sell feet pics.
Sales Coming In? Bump Up The Price
If your photos are seeing several sales flow in (10-20 sales, plus a couple of custom orders), then it means that your pics are good. People love them. You may want to bump them up by a dollar or two, just to squeeze more cash from the customers.
You can keep increasing the price until you see a fall in income. Most people, even the foot models with experience, cap their prices out at $10, but they may a bit of cash from tips.
Sales Not Flowing? Lower The Price
If sales don’t seem to be going to plan (i.e. nobody is buying anything), then drop the price by a dollar or so. Keep doing this until you grab a few sales. Thankfully, enough people are kicking about on Feetify that somebody will randomly stumble across your pics.
Do remember that while Feetify is a tremendous website, and it has a lot of customers, you will have to do your marketing if you want to make the most money. You also need to learn how to take good pics of your feet.
This does mean that if the cost of feet pics seems to be low for you, you may have to think about what you are doing wrong. It doesn’t necessarily mean that you are overcharging. It may mean that you aren’t taking the type of pictures people want. It may even mean that you are not marketing yourself another. We promise you, good quality photos on Feetify are always worth at least $5.
Experiment With Free Pics
Don’t charge for every pic on your profile. Market yourself by getting one or two free pics up there. We already told you that the initial ‘hit’ can generate some decent sales for you. People always want more.
FAQ to Charge Feet Pics
1. What Is The Average Price For Feet Pics?
The average price for feet pics varies depending on the quality of your pictures and how experienced you are. Newbies should be able to get at least $5 per picture.
2. Where Is The Best Place To Sell Feet Pics?
Feetify is the most reputable place to sell your feet pics online. It has a wealth of buyers, and it offers a variety of tools to ensure that your pics are in front of the people willing to spend the cash.
3. Should You Be Nude in Feet Pics?
If you wish to be nude, you can be. It isn’t a requirement to be nude in your feet pics. You can make more money if you are nude, though. Even if it is only slightly nude.
Got Your Info? Sell Feet Pics Today
If you want to charge for feet pics, then start at $5. Make your photos the best quality possible. There will always be a ton of competition there, and good photos will help you to stand out from the crowd. As the sales roll in, you can push the cost for feet pics up a little bit. Some of the more experienced foot models are making $10-$20 per feet pic, with custom content making a lot more.
Remember, how much you can charge for feet pics will always be determined by the site you choose to sell them on. Always choose a reputable foot fetish website. Feetify is the best website for selling your foot pics. List your feet pics there, and you could make thousands of dollars a week.